STAWI promotes horticulture programs as a field of agriculture that involves the growing of short growing seasons, averaging three months, and offers quick yields and returns on investments despite the high rate of post-harvest losses. Our program aims to empower youths to participate fully in agricultural development, contribute to economic growth and also address the challenge of unemployment, horticulture is one viable option that would give Tanzanian youths income within a short period.

In the internal studies conducted by STAWI, the results show that young people are not involved in agricultural enhancement in the production of basic crops such as sunflower, maize, and rice but have a significant contribution to the production of agricultural products. Contrary to previous research, the majority of young people interviewed said they prefer to live in rural areas, making the combination of agricultural and commercial activities highly coveted by most respondents. Tools and machinery, capital for agricultural investment, infrastructure and access to markets were identified by young people as some of the barriers to strengthening agriculture, and reducing their opportunities for opportunities. In this regard, STAWI is focused on empowering young people to meet their needs.

The level of poultry consumption by Tanzanians has increased significantly so many Tanzanians now eat chicken and eggs every year. Increasing demand provides many opportunities for Tanzanians, especially young people, to invest in the poultry industry in Tanzania. Currently, the sector is growing slowly, and to support this growth and realize the key opportunities in this sector, STAWI works with various stakeholders in this sector to ensure that young people have access to knowledge, skills, and investment potentials in this sector. We aim to empower 1000 young people by 2022 by establishing and developing poultry farming through modern operational means for SMEs to utilize all opportunities that exist in this poultry sector. Poultry farming programs will provide young people with important knowledge and skills such as their current situation, challenges, opportunities and facts & statistics related to various production areas in Tanzania, stakeholder analysis, and information on different sub-sectors to be more aware of investing in this industry

Smallholder dairy farming is growing in Tanzania at a rate of 6% per year, with an estimated 190,000 registered farmers. Despite the fact that smallholder dairy farming is widespread in different parts of Tanzania where the climate is appropriate, the supply of milk and milk products in these regions has not kept pace with the rapid increase in the human population. Productivity in existing smallholder dairy herds is constrained by the small size of farms and their distance from markets, animal health and reproductive problems and lack of good-quality animal feeds in sufficient quantities. Other constraints include lack of infrastructure for input and output markets, unfavorable regulatory and taxation policies, poor flow of information, restricted access to credit, and limited supply of dairy cattle. Nevertheless, the sector is acknowledged for its contribution to household food security, employment opportunities, and as a regular source of income for farmers. Dairy production integrated into rural, peri-urban, and urban smallholder mixed farming systems may increase and stabilize farm incomes and act as a catalyst for agricultural development and improved standards of living. STAWI concludes that smallholder dairy production is an important undertaking and, if adequately supported by appropriate policies and adaptive research technologies, it may contribute significantly to the household economy, self-sufficiency in milk, and national gross domestic product

STAWI has a focus of diversify youth development programs to include beekeeping programs to generate more income for young people. By considering this aspect, STAWI is currently working hard to promote the beekeeping industry across the country. Honey and Bees are known to mankind since times immemorial. Honey is a nutritious fluid collected by Honey Bees which is good for human health. The bee-keeping industry also plays important role in increasing in yield of crops through pollination. This industry plays an important role to create employment opportunities among the rural mass specifically youth who compose a high volume of Tanzania’s population. STAWI in collaboration with The Government and other like-minded stakeholders implements various beekeeping programs to promote this industry to a large extent aiming at expanding honey products across the globe.