STAWI foster human rights-based approach programs which constitutes holistic framework methodology for universal development with the potential to enrich operational strategies in key focus areas. The programs offered adds a missing element to present activities by enhancing the enabling environment for equitable development, and by empowering people to take their own decisions. The programs also brings in legal tools and institutions – laws, the judiciary and the rule of law principle – as a means to secure freedoms and human development.
HRBA further shows the bases for recognition that real success in tackling poverty and vulnerability requires giving the poor and vulnerable both a stake, a voice and real protection in the societies where they live. A human rights-based approach is not only about expanding people’s choices and capabilities but above all about the empowerment of people to decide what this process of expansion should look like. Adopting a human rights-based approach may not necessarily change what we do, but it will raise questions about how we do it.
As stated before, a human rights-based approach provides both a vision of what development should strive to achieve (to secure the freedom, well-being and dignity of all people everywhere), and a set of tools and essential references (human rights standards and principles). It is essentially based on the values, standards and principles captured in the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent legally binding human rights conventions/treaties. It not only defines the subjects of development, largely confirming UNDP present policy priorities, but it also translates people’s needs into rights, recognizing the human person as the active subject and claim-holder. It further identifies the duties and obligations of those against whom a claim can be brought to ensure that needs are met. The value of a human rights-based approach lies particularly in the transformative potential of human rights to alleviate injustice, inequality and poverty. Human rights are moral norms, standards of accountability and weapons in the struggle for social justice
The overall objective of the program package above is to enable beneficiaries/participants to have a deeper understanding of merging rights and governance issues in connection to businesses as well as livelihood development programs. Through this course, participants acquire skills and knowledge on how to hold their human personal and enterprise accountable in every intervention during service delivering processes within the unifications they belong. The followings are key focused areas of consideration in this key program: Human Rights Based Approaches and Development, Child Care, Child Rights, Child Protection, Parental Caring and Governance, Gender, Women Rights and Governance