STAWI works to address the hardships facing Tanzania’s most vulnerable children by collaborating with communities, local institutions, and the Tanzania Government to provide a full range of services and opportunities to keep primary school pupils healthy, safe, schooled, and remain HIV negative.
Primary education being the foundation of the education system in Tanzania, The Government of Tanzania with the assistance of local and international NGOs as well as donors undertook a number of developmental projects to support the primary education system in Tanzania but the huge demand is still there to date. In the same efforts, STAWI in collaboration with a number of strategic alliances worked to implement different projects in education in Tanzania. The ultimate focus of STAWI to primary education is to enable children to access quality primary schools education – holistic quality education – and to strengthen their intercultural competencies. This is done through:
i. Improving Teachers’ teaching skills
ii. Promoting Child Rights Education, Gender and Safety
iii. Improving Schools’ management and Leadership
iv. Improving Schools’ learning Environment
Our programs are mainly focused on
A. Improve access to education – including increasing the number of educational opportunities, especially for girls, (including the construction of classrooms or latrines), increasing the number of qualified teachers trained in inclusive, non-discriminatory practices, and improving community attitudes to educating children who are often excluded or overlooked.
B. Improve the quality of education – including enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, improving access to extra-curricular support, increasing child-friendly resources, and increasing access to aspirational vocational training opportunities including STEM and IT.
C. Improve the sustainability of education projects – including encouraging educational projects with integrated community management or ownership, self-generating income, and minimizing their environmental impact.