Women Economic Empowerment

STAWI has a strong track record in enhancing and harnessing gender equality and the economic empowerment of women especially the poorest and most excluded women from economically empowerment programs and benefit from development. We have proven capacity to develop and implement programs that build the technical and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of out of school adolescent girls, teenage mothers and young women which enable them earning livelihoods development from sustainable energy value chains, agriculture and water and sanitation both as entrepreneurs and as technical service providers.
GBFS has extensive experience in working on women’s economic empowerment issues, including on: informal and micro enterprise development; technical and business skills development; value chain development with a gender lens; economic rights of women, Entrepreneurship development, Sustainable Agribusiness and energy value chain development
The overall outlook of GBFS’s programs is to enhance formation of Formal and Non-Formal Technical Vocational Education Training and entrepreneurial skills development opportunities provision for livelihoods development by out of school adolescent girls, teenage mothers and young women out of school increased; and developing Economic empowerment of out of school adolescent girls, teenage mothers and young women in Tanzania.
In dealing with women programs in Tanzanian communities, GBFS has strongly experienced works to support the following interventions.
Focused Women’s Developmental Interventions
- Conducting labour and marketing need assessment to assess potentiality of women livelihood opportunities available in different regions of Tanzania.
- Conduct Stakeholders meeting in order to lead the introduction of the projects/programs dealing with women and seeking means for establishing collaborations as well as identifies areas for improvement.
- Facilitating selection of targeted groups of women to be enrolled in the project under prescribed criteria
- Facilitate conduction of Basic Life Skills – soft skills – to all selected targeted groups of women for the projects/programs
- Facilitate conduction of Business Development Skills trainings (BDS) including Cross Border Business Trading Interventions
- Facilitate conduction of Technical skills/ practical training
- Facilitating On-job Training or internship sessions to all selected groups of women for wage/self –employment.
- Exposing women beneficiaries groups to different business opportunity through different business occasions i.e Trade fair, exhibitions, forums etc
- Facilitating women group formation and constitutional development
- Facilitating development of Women Groups –Led- Enterprises
- Facilitation implementation of Women Saving & Lending Association Groups and establishment of Women Business Models
- Linking of Women developed enterprises to regional Micro Financial Institutions (MFIs) for funds accessing.
- Linking all Women developed enterprises to all potential business stakeholders
- Linking all Women developed enterprises to all potential markets potentials of their products/services
- Exposing all women developed enterprises to business networks and other business channels
Facilitating mentoring and coaching sessions to all women developed groups.