STAWI initiatives in both a rural and an urban context is to provide sustainable access to improved drinking water services and/or improved sanitary facilities to Tanzanian communities. Our work strives to improve environmental health by reducing pathways for disease transmission, enhancing nutrition especially with regards to stunting in children, and reducing both untreated human waste and wastewater.
Long-term sustainability lies at the core of our work. STAWI works to strengthen public governance around water sources, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services, support institutional changes and capacity, develop financially viable services, and improve asset management of existing WASH infrastructure. This includes working together with civil society and the private sector in advocacy and operation as well as promoting sector and stakeholder dialogue and reflection about changing needs and standards in the light of increasing urbanization and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
STAWI provides expertise to work towards bringing capacity to universal coverage through three distinct product areas:
i. Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A)
ii. Urban Sanitation & Hygiene for Health and Development (USHHD)
iii. Functionality of Rural Water Supply Services (FRWSS)