With a treasure of knowledgeable, skilled and competent staff, STAWI works to impart entrepreneurs, farming communities with transferred technology from originators to them (secondary as well as tertilly users) in an attempt to boost technology advancement aiming at bringing sustainable solutions on developmental challenges. Most relevant technology used by entrepreneurs’ communities to boost business development include uses of electronic gadgets such as Mobile Phones and smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, smart watches, e-readers, and handheld gaming consoles packed business programs. Other devices are used by Social Media for information sharing while others are packed with applicable applications as well as USSD programs developed to facilitate easier retrieving, accessing and sharing of business and livelihood information.
Business information required by entrepreneurs include search for Agro-Inputs, Financial, Marketing accessibility, crops diseases diagnosing etc. With a huge experience, expertise, levels of specializations and scope of operation, STAWI recommends appropriate technology for entrepreneurs (farmers) which (and its manifestations) are cheaper to possess as well as costless and friendly in application. The Apps recommended by STAWI to beneficiaries are also considered based on decentralization issues, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmental sounding as well as local autonomous.
Moreover, STAWI facilitates the accessibility of mobile applications that provide latest agricultural information about trends, equipment, technologies and methods being used. Accessible Mobile APPs help identify pests and diseases, provide real-time data about weather, early warnings about storms, local markets offering best prices, seeds, fertilizers etc.