Access to energy in the rural areas of Tanzania continues to be one of the most significant development challenges. It is estimated that less than 18 percent of Tanzania’s 65 million residents have access to the electricity grid. In rural areas, where 75 percent of Tanzanians live, access to energy is estimated to be 2-3%. Conventional electrical energy is cost prohibitive and unable to reach the majority of Tanzanians. Even with all the efforts of the government to increase production and connection of HEP, it is not likely that access to the electricity grid in Tanzania will be greatly improved in the short or medium term. Based on the mentioned developmental challenge,
STAWI provides the following service to support rural residences in access to clean energy.
a) Dissemination and foster adoption and of Renewable /clean energy technologies such as solar energy, biogas and briquettes to home of low-income households for lighting, phone charging systems and radio voices through pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) systems
b) Advocating for adaptation/application of large solar power stand-alone systems for lighting, phone charging systems, radio etc, and water pumps used at small scale rural based business premises to provide the required power.
c) Larger solar power systems that meet full range of household needs and affordable for low income households
d) Development of RE distribution models that support local entrepreneurship and growth of SMEs within a renewable energy products demand and supply chain.
e) Supporting development innovative ideas that stimulate “next generation” approaches in renewable energy sector.