As Tanzania is in the middle-income status, the health sector has resolved to give more attention to the quality of health services in tandem with the pursuit of universal access. At the same time, better health for the entire population has been promoted through the adoption of health in all policies. The country has made impressive gains in reducing under-five and infant mortality, through strengthening immunization services and improved preventive services for malaria and other childhood diseases. The number of new HIV cases has also been decreasing. However, Maternal Mortality is still high in Tanzania as the Millennium Development Goal, (MDG), targets were not attained. To align and support all health efforts and strategies, STAWI works in collaboration with strategic alliances to promote the right of every woman, man, and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. Much effort is kept on executing programs on HIV Aids Prevention, Nutrition, Reproductive Health, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent programs, Drug Abuse and Misuse of Alcohol, Mental Health, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease, Malaria and Immunization Services. There are close links between sustainable development and health issues and the cases mentioned above.