The empowerment of women and youth is seen as a critical factor in the eradication of poverty because they are the ones who bear a disproportionate burden attempting to manage household consumption and production under conditions of increasing scarcity. STAWI complements the efforts of other stakeholders (and development actors) in the target areas that, in one way or the other, play a role in empowering.
STAWI builds capacities by collaborates with key stakeholders involved in poverty reduction initiatives to foster community-driven development, accountability, transparency, and full participation in social and economic development aspects.
The scope of the assignment
- The formation, Organizing, and Managing of a Farmer’s SME.
i. Identify and prioritize needs for Small Companies, SME’s, Cooperative and groups’ formation and help to facilitate the formation of the chosen association.
ii. Facilitate cementing of the formed groups by being participatory as well as be able to put the solution into practice
iii. Facilitating legal registration for each formed association/company and or group and establish its mandate, constitutions, and membership bases.
iv. Facilitate the development of Business / strategic plans as well as work plans and ensure they get implemented
v. Arrange visits to other business entities or to information sources/centers such as markets and research institutes in order to learn and share ideas.
2. Developing Governance, Leadership, And Management
i. Development of business entities’ leadership style, management, and qualities
ii. Assist formed/developed business entities to formulate/develop and document SMART realistic objectives for leaders (including setting tasks /roles and responsibilities for each)
iii. Consulting formed business entities on development of possible leadership positions as well as appointing qualified management team for all identified key positions
iv. Facilitating processes for electing leaders/management committees and developing tools for monitoring and check performances of the executives according to their objectives?
v. Assist in the development of business entities’ bylaws and internal rules
vi. Facilitating formed business entities on development and implementation of the constitution
vii. Assist in the development of communication channels and procedures within and outside organs
viii. Facilitating business entities on roles for holding meetings and procedures for meetings within the organ
ix. Facilitating SMEs leaders on record-keeping process and management
3. Business Planning and Business Plan Development and Implementation
i. Facilitate formed business entities on a clear mission and vision
ii. Empowering formed business entities being able to take into account SWOT analysis by define and analyze their potential Strengths and Weaknesses as well as Opportunities and Threats
iii. Facilitate formed business entities to develop SMART objectives and enclosing sustainability aspects and all things being documented.
iv. Building capacity of the formed business entities regarding Business plans and planning issues as well as setting priorities and procedures for undertaking business unusual.
v. Development and articulating business entities goals monitor its performance and progress against its objectives
vi. Developing a business plan that analyzes Business environment and competition
vii. Developing marketing and sales strategies
viii. Developing products and clean production strategies
ix. Developing personnel strategies
x. Developing operation (quality management), financial, and management strategies
xi. Identification of responsible risks of the products and business as well as developing risk mitigation
xii. Monitoring and evaluation of business entities agro-programs as well as linking to Macro and Micro Financial Institutions.
- Operational Management
- i. Facilitating formed business entities to manage operational efficiencies – resources efficiencies required in managing effective business operations.
- ii. Coaching the management leaders and line operation teams on managing resources such as power – electric energy during running business operations. (Application of modern Machines)
- Mentoring formed business entities on effective utilization of storage facilities as well as collection centers and logistics for its inputs and after harvest to maintain the quality before leaching at the factory / cooperative center.
- Training and facilitation formed business entities on roles and responsibilities regarding managing water resources as well as getting knowledge and processes for the acquisition of permits for water usage form responsible basins.
- Marketing Planning and Implementation
- Facilitating business entities on the identification of farm’s market for their products
- Facilitating business entities to establish unique branding as well as selling proposition of their produces
- Facilitating business entities on development of business uniqueness of their businesses such as a logo that will project a business image based on entity goals and objectives.
- Facilitating business entities on development /Writing of a tagline that communicates both brand and benefit
- Facilitating business entities on developing Join Venturing to other farm associations
- Leading business entities in attending farm-related events
- Helping business entities in the establishment of advertising/ promotion interventions for their products
- Coaching and Mentoring business entities in providing good customer service
- Coaching and mentoring business entities in establishing marketing budget and calendar
- Helping business entities in developing social media account as a tool for marketing and communication
- Financial Management
- Development of financial policy to govern farmers business entities
- Development of business entities’ member’s fees structures, fee levels, and payment procedures
- Leading business entities in the development of books of accounting and other financial tools
- Assist business entities in the development of accounting systems and payment procedures
- Assist business entities in opening bank accounts and managing banking systems including developing approaches as opportunities to access formal loans.
- Assist business entities in balancing books of accounts
- Facilitating business entities in developing financial checking and balancing procedures as well as developing savings and credit schemes complies with financial regulations and tax
- Facilitating, coaching, and mentoring formed business entities on managing financial records as well as auditing issues and procedures.