In collaboration with agricultural stakeholders and traders across the region, STAWI serves farming communities through the provision of services that cut across a number of agricultural and business interventions in order to address challenges affecting farming interventions in Tanzania. A number of challenges that farmers face are; Lack of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for quality agricultural production, Lack of compliance on developed production calendar, Lack of Pre and Post harvesting skills, techniques, and competencies, Lack of knowledge on Storage and facilities, shortage of financial linkages. shortage of Marketing and Supply, shortage and sometimes Lack of business linkages among stakeholders, Poor strategies for enabling input accessibility and supplies (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), Lack of linkages to policy implementers -advocacy, as well as donors working along value chain interventions to improve quality, food security and in the long run tackle the problem of poverty within poor communities of Tanzania.
Our focus concerns are on;
i. Increase productivity, access to market, and adaptive capacity
ii. Increase food and nutrition security, income, and climate change resilience through the promotion of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)
iii. Engagement of youth, women, and people with disabilities in Agricultural Value Chains
iv. Increase access to affordable technologies and innovations
v. Promote environment and forest conservation through waste management, planting, and protection of trees
vi. Improving sustainable natural resources management