The main role of volunteering has always shown positive results for both volunteers and clients. Volunteering provides an opportunity to change people’s lives as well as change the environment in which the volunteering services are provided. Through volunteering, commitment gives one satisfaction by taking responsibility for another person’s life, helping people who are unable to support themselves. Commitment is a way of fostering development and transformational change and at the same time volunteering provides important social skills that give valuable work experience to the communities one’s serves.
For many volunteering opportunities available, STAWI invites you, development partners, to volunteer and work with us to fulfilling our mission and vision. By dedicating a few hours of your day to raising awareness of women and youth on various developmental issues, you will be a source of positive transformational changes in Tanzanian. There are many volunteering opportunities available as you plan to work with us. Many positions are available to work and address sexual harassment cases in pastoralists’ communities. During your volunteering period, you will work much with STAWI to address issues on sexual and reproductive health programs, adolescent sexual activity, women’s and youth groups, training for community members to raise awareness, gender issues, and eradicate perverted traditions, customs, and traditions that perpetuate sexual violence (FGM), issues of early and forced marriages, and various other matters. By your commitment, you will be able to help children and youth to defend themselves so that they can raise their voices and demand to receive their rights in violation and access their rights as children through the best child development program in Tanzania.
Your commitment will also help to facilitate youth and women’s skills development activities in livelihood and economic empowerment programs through entrepreneurship training, business development skills, business planning, production and operations planning, marketing strategies, fundraising, ICT, education, communication. STAWI extends its many thanks to you for dedicating your commitment because your commitment will make us share knowledge of sustainable development in Tanzanian.